Tags Skatalites

Tag: skatalites

Supernova Ska Fest announces lineup

The International Ska Festival, Supernova, heading to shores of Chesapeake Bay June 12-14, 2020The Supernova International Ska Fest is back and better than ever...

West Coast US tour for the Skatalites

The legendary ska and reggae band close out 2019 with an extensive tour of the western United States.Fifty years is a lifetime. The...

Skatalites on tour in Europe and the U.S.

Skatalites’ European and American Tour, celebrating 55 years of being "Rough and Tough," is in full swing.From the video channel of Fabrizio Pedrotti:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUVdZkLTp1YThe legendary...

Saturday Wormtown 2018

Wormtown Music festival Camp Kee Wanee  Greenfield, MA September 15 2018 by Miles Hurley and Live Music News and Review.com staffTo submit a story...

Green Fest 2018: Skatalites, Green Island, Equalites at Hawks & Reed-April...

Green Fest at Hawks and Reed  Skatalites, Dave Noonan's Green Island, the Equalites, the Diamondstones and more... Greenfield, MA April 20, 2018Check out the...

Green Fest by Cheli Mennella Dave Noonan

Interview with The Skatalites' Ken Stewart 4/20 in the 413 By Cheli Mennella & Dave NoonanCheck out the Live Music News and Review.com Facebook page...

Skatalites to Begin Spring 2018 Tour

Legendary ska/reggae band Skatalites poised to hit East Coast for spring 2018 tourThe Skatalites kick off their spring 2018 tour this weekend with dates...

Rochester Reggae festival

Rochester Reggae and Craft Brew festival Governor's Inn Rochester NH August 5, 2017 Some photos stolen from Marc Chilemi's facebook page...

UPDATED: Skatalites heading out on tour

The Skatalites  **Updated** US Tour dates announced SKA, ROCKSTEADY, REGGAE - IT ALL BEGAN WITH THE SKA-TALITES To submit a review or...

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Rest in Peace Phil Lesh

Phil Lesh, bassist and founding member of The Grateful Dead, passed peacefully this morning. He was surrounded by his family and full of love....

Cornelius to tour the US

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