Creatures of the Night Celebrate New Year’s in Norwalk, CT Max Creek takes over The Wall Street Theater March 26th 2022 Review by Joel Shover
“One blue star sets on the hill. Call it back, you never will. One more star sinks in the past, show me something built to last.” Perhaps that was Jerry and Robert we saw that night in the crowd at the Creek show at Lupos back in the day. Maybe, just maybe they wrote a song about the great band Max Creek because they are BUILT TO LAST. Too farfetched? If you saw what I saw Saturday night you’d think otherwise! Clown Shoes, Top Hats, Tie-dyes, Champagne and Ducks? How could it be New Year’s Eve on March 26th?
I’ll tell you how, Max Creek never disappoints and always delivers. Creek’s original New Years Eve was postponed due to Covid. It’s been twenty-four years since Max Creek has played this venue. So, Creek Freaks had no problem waiting an extra 3 months to celebrate the New Year’s Eve ball drop at the famous Wall Street Theater.

The Theater, formally known as The Globe Theater has hosted Max creek twenty times over four years in the mid-nineties. I was given a special tour of the theater pre show and was told of the ghosts that occupy this historic theater and the future acts to come, check out the full list of upcoming shows on their website.
Doors were opened up and the room filled up quickly with eager fans jonesin for some Creeky Jams. Old friends reunited with one another as the band got ready to play. It was now time for the opening jam of a funky “Louisiana Sun”. From the first note played you could tell the boys had brought their festive best.
Mark Mercier took us into the classic J.J. Cale tune “After Midnight” that featured the hypnotic noodling from Scott Murawski. John Rider added his superb vocals to the Creek classic “Dark Water” and it just flowed through. The boys were sounding solid and tight. This led us into an “Emotional Railroad”. The crowd was dancing and doin’ it well.
What were we hearing next? For this was a new tune with Mercier on the vocals. There was only one source to go to, Creek Fans very own archivist Dave Bonan. With a simple tap on the shoulder, it was confirmed that this indeed was a debut song written by Pete Seeger called “Keep Your Eyes on The Prize”.
(Pete Seeger’s version)
We’ve heard vocals from the three front men of the band but it was now time for Bill Carbone to shine his vocals while keeping the beat on the drum kit with “It Must Be Nice”. Nice it was, as Carbone’s vocals seem to get better every time, they play that song.
The signature piano sound let the fans know now it was time for “The Band from Chicago” as Mercier gracefully played the keys in tune to Murawski’s signature Ibanez sounds and off to a jam we go! Scott took us right out of that jam into “Money” that’s what we want (the Beatles), that featured a short keyboard solo and some really nice vocals from Rider. The fans could now catch their breath as this was the end of the first set.

Second set started with an instruction from the staff to grab a glass of champagne for a toast. The boys opened with what we were all waiting for “Jones”. It was now time for the countdown jam that took us into the 2020 New Year’s toast! Yes 2020! I told you that Creek never disappoints and always delivers! What would be the first song of the New Year you ask? Well, we all knew it was the haunting “Creatures of The Night” a song written by Murawski (with lyrics by Derek Kipp) during the pandemic while in lockdown. After confirming with Dave Bonan once again it was indeed the second debut of the evening and how appropriate to debut it here.
Mark’s classic vocal sounds took us into the fan favorite “Old Stones and Broken Bones”. John Rider handed us his “Devil’s Heart” next. The Quack sound was in full force even the ducks were dancing off the speakers! The long-awaited return of percussionist Jamemurrell Stanley singing “Down in The Jungle” while Bill Carbone showed some more skills with “I’ll be Your Baby Tonight”.
With all the dancing and now another champagne toast? The fans were, or weren’t, seeing double? 10, 9, 8, 7…… Another countdown. This time for New Year’s 2022. This band never disappoints!

Mark Mercier reminded us “We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet for days of Auld Lang Syne” as John Rider took us into the “Midnight Hour”. The boys thanked everyone for coming out and left the stage. You couldn’t hear a ghost as the crowd cheered for more.
The band came back to give us the Creek version of “Life During Wartime and finished with a heartfelt “I Shall be Released” by Mark Mercier. “
“Thanks a lot everybody, have a goooood night”
Listen to the full show thanks to Mark Koolesza
Go See Live Music & Go See Max Creek
Hey Dolly Parton, tell your friends at the Hall of Fame about this great rock band Max Creek that’s been around for 51 years this April 27th!
You can see the Legendary Max Creek with Blues Traveler on May 10th 2022 in New Haven, CT.
On Earth Day, April 21- Max Creek is playing at the Met in Pawtucket RI. Information is here.
Till The Next Show…..Joel

Max Creek Wall Street Theater
Norwalk, CT 03-26-22
NYE Ball Drop Part 2
Creatures In The Night
Keep Your Eyes On The Prize (Hold On) (Pete Seger)
Money (The Beatles)
SET 1: [9:01PM]
Louisiana Sun >>
After Midnight >>
Dark Water
Emotional Railroad
Keep Your Eyes On The Prize (Hold On)(Mavis Davis)*
It Must Be Nice >>
Band From Chicago
Money (The Beatles)*
SET 2: [10:47PM]
Jones >>
New Year’s Eve 2021 Countdown >>
HAPPY 2021!
Creatures Of The Night*
Old Stones Broken Bones
Devil’s Heart >>
Down In The Jungle
I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight
New Year’s Eve 2022 Countdown >>
HAPPY 2022!
Auld Lang Syne >>
Midnight Hour
ENCORE: [12:17AM]
Life During Wartime >>
I Shall Be Released
*First Performance
[Setlist thanks to August Forming]
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