Hotel Cafe – February 21st by Harriet Kaplan

Nothing out of the ordinary was going on at Hotel Cafe on February 21st for MARIS’ opening spot other than global pop sensation and Armenian artist Rosa Linn whose headlining show was sold out with a mighty fan base of Armenians there to support her. It was comprised of primarily well-dressed women with some men. In fact, one was carrying a large Armenian flag. Later, Linn wrapped herself around it as she passionately performed to the delight of her enthusiastic and devoted audience that sang and cheered to every number.

MARIS is a singer, songwriter, artist and performer that brought a different, and let’s say less mainstream but “indie” vibe, to the Main Stage accompanying herself only on guitar with no backing band or singers. MARIS made a strong and memorable impression with solid set of eight material including a cover of ABBA’s “Dancing Queen.” The least remarkable and interesting of the set but well meaning and who doesn’t love ABBA?

MARIS has a fun, likable and quirky personality and seemed very happy to open for Linn. In fact, Linn graciously and generously introduced MARIS to her huge fan base maybe a bit of passing the torch and exposing this cool new talent to ALOT more people!

MARIS taps into various genres of music and makes them her own putting an original stamp on them along original and creative videos. The incredibly catchy “Voicemail” would be one of them. Also “Julia Roberts.” MARIS has just released her latest debut EP “Gravity.” With her multi-colored hair and cool leather jacket with all kinds of rock band and artist pins on it, MARIS gives off an edgy look and style. That would fit in well with her artsy sensibility and off-kilter songs. MARIS clearly is emerging as a talented artist with something to say. Her songs provide the listener with new ideas and perspectives that makes one stand up and take notice.



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