Stick Men at TCAN - photo by Kelly D

After a way too long two-year forced hiatus, Stick Men took the stage at TCAN on April 7th 2022 for one long 15-song set running just shy of two hours.  The audience was full with men and women of all ages, longterm camp friends, local colleagues of Boston’s own Tony Levin, and fans old and new.

The show opened with Markus Reuter alone on stage performing an extended Soundscape on guitar.

He was then joined by band mates Pat Mastelotto on drums and Tony Levin on the Chapman Stick for Prog Noir – a dark and dreamy song and the one tune in which there was almost actual singing, which was handled by Markus.

Read Dan Rainone’s review of opening for Stick Men at The Saint in 2017 HERE

Ringtone came next from their first new album together in 6 years.  

Hide the Trees


Tentacles – the namesake of their new album released at the end of March 2022 is an homage to the 10 string instrument that Markus sent as a gift to Tony.




Pomegranate – moody even for the Stick Men!

Danger in the Workplace another new song that segued directly into. . .

Swimming in T

Level 5 – a King Crimson song written with heavy involvement from Markus as part of their 2001 album of the same title.

Read Kelly D’s review of Stick Men at TCAN in 2019 HERE

Not surprisingly, while the bandmates have been kept physically apart, each has worked on multiple side projects.  All three headed to the merch table after the show to sign stuff and greet their fans.

The 2 song encore included:

Sheltering Sky

And the rockin’ by Stick Men standards – Lark’s Tongue in Aspic, Part Two

Stick Men at TCAN – photo by Kelly D

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