April 02 saw the return of Dana Fuchs to the Center for Arts in Natick MA. Review by Jennifer Simon

I was lucky enough to catch Dana Fuchs’ return to the TCAN stage in Natick on April 2nd.  She was there promoting her upcoming album Borrowed Time which was just released on April 29th. Fuchs’ show was a celebration our collective release from this round of Covid confinement, also.  She was joined on stage by long time writing partner and guitarist Jon Diamond, bass player Brett Bass and new arrival drummer Richie Monica.

Fuchs played a single long set running almost two hours and covering thirteen songs.  If you were worried that 2 years without singing to an audience had softened the growl in her voice or robbed her of those great high notes, fear not, she sounded great.

The set included:

Ready to Rise – which started us off right away with her Janis Joplin style vocals for this blues tune.

Bliss Avenue a rocking blues song she wrote in 2013

Handful Too Many – an up-tempo blues tune featuring Fuchs on percussion.

Faithful Sinner a ballad she wrote for her dad about love and faith.

Sitting on

Aint No Body’s Fault – a cover of the Otis Redding soul – funk song.

Sedative – which Fuchs wrote with John Diamond, a moody noir song about panic attacks.

Home is where the Hatred Is

I’m thinking about you but I got Nothing on My Mind – a country tune.

Call My Name a love song featuring Fuchs on the acoustic guitar

Battle Lines written in 2018 about the passing of Fuchs’ mother.

Hard Road – a rock n roll tune

Curtain Close was a passionate song from Fuchs’ new album about the passing of a friend and finished out the evening. The crowd, satisfied and amazed by Fuchs energy and talent, sauntered off into the blue night.


Knickerbocker All-Stars with Special Guest Dana Fuchs! @ 8:00pm
Westerly, RI, United States

The Stanhope House @ 8:00pm
Stanhope, NJ, United States

Flagstaff Blues & Brews Festival 2022 @ 4:30pm
Sir Harrison BandLisa MannMr. Sipp ” The Mississippi Blues Child “Cedric BurnsideCadillac Assembly LineMiller and The Other SinnersGriff HamlinWesley Pruitt BandAnders Osborne
East Flagstaff, AZ, United States

Selinsgrove Blues, Brews & BBQ Festival @ 4:00pm
Joe Louis Walker
Selinsgrove, PA, United States

Not from this show, but a celebration of the upcoming album release.

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