“I will continue to do whatever I can and find ways to raise funds to save my granddaughter” -“Rev” Tor Krautter

Tor Krautter a.k.a. Rev Tor, has launched several campaigns to benefit “Care for Kyra” a funding effort in support his granddaughter Kyra who along with her single mother are living with the daily, unsustainable challenges of Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD). Please visit www.careforKyra.com for more info.

2022 Northeast Festival Season Pass Sweepstakes

Eleven Northeast based summer and fall festivals have donated a pair of passes to create the ultimate festival season pass for one lucky winner. Participating festivals include: Green River Fest, Strangecreek Campout, Memorial Meltdown, Adirondack Independence Fest, Ryebread 46, Jerry Jam, Dead of Summer Music Fest 3, Point Reggae, Flyday Music Festival, NY Harvest Festival and Stone Jack Ball. $20 to enter, no limit. All proceeds benefit “Care for Kyra”. There will be a live drawing for the grand prize winner on Facebook live on April 20 at 4:20 PM. Direct link to enter at: https://events.com/r/en_US/tickets/2022-summer-festival-season-pass-sweepstakes-832374

Care For Kyra benefit Event – 4-3-22

Join Tor and family on Sunday, April 3 from noon to 4 PM at The Proprietors Lodge in Pittsfield Massachusetts. Enjoy food donated by celebrated local caterer KJ Nash, raffles, prizes, and live music by Billy Keane (of Whiskey Treaty Roadshow), Gina Coleman and The Misty Blues Duo, The Picky Bastards, Beth and Randy of Whiskey City and Rev Tor & Friends. Tickets are $25 available at: https://events.com/r/en_US/tickets/care-for-kyra-fundraiser-pittsfield-april-829426 or at the door.

Care for Kyra GoFundMe page.

This page was set up for the amazing souls who have asked how they can help support Kyra as well as to tell Kyra story and spread awareness about DMDD

Please visit: https://gofund.me/bb15e813

Kyra’s Story and DMDD

Kyra is the sweetest, most caring little girl you will ever meet. She truly has the biggest heart. She genuinely cares for people, and it amazes my Family and I how much love she has to give. She loves her Mother and her pets and her whole Family more than anything in the world. Like all little girls she loves to laugh and play and sing and dance. She loves art. She loves to draw and color and when she dreams, she dreams big! Kyra is all of these wonderful beautiful things… on a good day.

Kyra started showing behavioral issues at a young age and in 2018 she was diagnosed with Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder or DMDD. She is now nine years old. While most children grow out of their “temper tantrum” stage, children with DMDD never do without intervention. Their childhood is filled with extreme anxiety, irritability, anger, and when triggered, frequent and intense temper outbursts. These triggers might seem trivial to you or I, but, to Kyra, they can feel insurmountable – like her world is ending. This behavior is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed leading to an unfair and inaccurate perception of who they really are.

The truth is, without proper treatment, children with DMDD are unable to control their temper and their outbursts. They do not choose to act this way and when the outburst finally subsides, they are left feeling genuine remorse, embarrassment and fatigue. It is a never-ending emotional roller coaster that no child or Family should have to endure. Trapped under it all is that beautiful loving child who just wants to sing, dance, laugh and play but too often is left feeling alone and misunderstood longing to be free from the restraints of this cruel disorder.

Since Kyra‘s diagnosis her condition has worsened. My Step Daughter, Courtney, Kyra‘s Mom, is single Mother. She is a true rock star. She has dedicated her life to Kyra without the benefit of support from Kyra’s Father or his Family. Managing Kyra is a race without a winner, an absolute full-time job. As a result of her unwavering dedication to Kyra’s care, Courtney is no longer able to work.

The public resources available to address Kyra‘s DMDD are virtually nonexistent and beyond any Family’s financial means. Their tiny Family unit of TWO has borne a situation that has become completely unsustainable for the health and welfare of all involved. As a result, young Kyra is not getting the mental health care or the education she so desperately needs and deserves. The good news is DMDD is treatable; yet it is a relatively new diagnosis. Kyra requires very specific clinical attention that is not widely available.

My Family and I are going to fight like hell for our Kyra. We will fight for her future, we will advocate for access to effective treatment for DMDD. We will work for a reasonable and accessible education which should be every child’s right.

Kyra and Courtney face numerous challenges, not the least of which is the very significant financial burden of legal fees, costs of living, and private treatment.

I have launched these funding efforts for the amazing souls that have been asking our Family how they can help AND to spread the word about Kyra’s affliction. I hope and pray you will consider joining this battle for Kyra in absolutely any capacity you are able. Simply sharing this video and Kyra‘s story will help.

From my Family to yours we thank you for taking the time to learn about Kyra and we are eternality grateful for any help you are able to offer.

God bless and be well.

“Rev” Tor Krautter

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