Half Alive embarked on a seven-show mini-tour across the West Coast before opening for 21 Pilots on their Takeover Tour. On September 15th, they came to The Fillmore in San Francisco and performed in front of adoring fans.

They kicked the night off with “Tip Toes” from their EP, 3, released in 2017. During the song, lead singer Josh Taylor was lit by a flashlight while showcasing contemporary dance moves. The band also had two skilled backup dancers accompanying them on multiple songs. 

Half Alive definitely goes all out for their shows and keeps the fans entertained. At one point, they spray-painted lyrics to the song they were singing on a tarp and then threw it into the crowd afterward. 

The talented band members can play multiple instruments, with Taylor switching from keyboard and guitar throughout the night while also singing. And then bass player J. Tyler Johnson and drummer Brett Kramer played the keyboard for a couple of songs. 

During their song “BREAKFAST,” one of the slower songs they played throughout their energetic set Taylor played an acoustic guitar with a tarp in front of him. So we got to see his silhouette perform the song. 

The band also sang two of their latest singles, one “Make of It,” which would be released the next day. So the crowd was the first to hear it, and then they played “Summerland,” which came out over the summer. 

I have been fortunate enough to see Half Alive twice in concert, and they keep getting better and better. So if you are attending one of the 21 Pilots tour dates, I would recommend getting there early to see Half Alive’s set because you do not want to miss it.

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